Journal Information
Vol. 91. Issue 2. (In progress)
(March - April 2025)
This issue is in progress but contains articles that are final and fully citable.
Original articles
Risk factors for cervical lymph node metastasis in oropharyngeal cancer and its impact on prognosis
Li Zhang, Zhilin Li, Jing Wang, Chen Wang, Shuxin Wen

  • The proportion of HPV-positive OPSCC in the Shanxi region has reached 58.8%.

  • The status of lymph node metastasis has no significant impact on prognosis.

  • P16 status does not affect the incidence of cervical lymph node metastasis.

  • P16 positive reduces the risk of multiple lymph node metastases.

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Impact of hearing impairment on cognitive performance
Pedro Ivo Machado Pires de Araújo, Pauliana Lamounier e Silva Duarte, Hugo Valter Lisboa Ramos, Claudiney Cândido Costa, Isabela Gomes Maldi, Lucas da Silva Braz, Norma de Oliveira Penido

  • Characteristics inherent to hearing loss associated with performance on the MMSE.

  • Sudden onset hearing loss tied to lower MMSE scores.

  • Link found between hearing loss type and cognitive impact in adults.

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Rehabilitation after supracricoid partial laryngectomy: cohort study
Caroline da Silva Seidler, Marianne Yumi Nakai, Lucas Ribeiro Tenório, Daniela Serrano Marquezin, Renata Santos Bittencourt Silva, Marcelo Benedito Menezes, Antonio José Gonçalves

  • Supracricoid laryngectomy remains a good option for laryngeal tumors.

  • Moderate to severe vocal disability is expected, but a great quality of life remains.

  • Patients previously rehabilitated experienced aspiration with specific exams.

  • Penetration and aspiration do not worsen quality of life and survival.

  • Oncological results are encouraging, with an average overall survival around 79.7%.

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Development and internal validation of risk stratification tool for lymph node metastasis in pT3-4 laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma patients
Changding He, Yu Heng, Xiaoke Zhu, Jian Zhou, Lei Tao

  • Four factors identified predicting lymph node metastasis in laryngeal carcinoma.

  • Nomogram created incorporating factors, C-index >0.75 proves high accuracy.

  • Patients stratified into low/intermediate/high risk groups by nomogram.

  • Lymph node metastasis rates significantly differ among risk groups.

  • Model provides guidance for individualized treatment in laryngeal carcinoma.

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Validation and reproducibility of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Written Allergic Rhinitis Questionnaire for phone survey in children aged 6&#¿;7 years
Priscilla Campos, Solange O.R. Valle, Antônio José Ledo Alves da Cunha, Fábio Chigres Kuschnir, Dirceu Solé

  • Allergic Rhinitis (AR) is the most prevalent allergic disease in Brazil.

  • ISAAC stablished an epidemiological landmark in study of allergic diseases.

  • ISAAC AR Questionnaire by phone has high agreement with clinical diagnosis of AR.

  • ISAAC AR Questionnaire by phone discriminates children with and without AR.

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Can anatomy-based fitting improve musical perception in adult cochlear implant users?
Luis Lassaletta, Miryam Calvino, Isabel Sánchez-Cuadrado, Elena Muñoz, Javier Gavilán

  • Music represents one of the biggest challenges for cochlear implant users.

  • Anatomy-based fitting is a new step regarding personalized medicine in the field of CIs.

  • Anatomy-based fitting may be beneficial for improving certain musical skills in CI users

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Comparative outcomes of video-assisted thyroidectomy and traditional open surgery: a 5-year analysis of a single center experience
Kenzo Ohara, Takumi Kumai, Kan Kishibe, Hidekiyo Yamaki, Hiroki Komatsuda, Tatsuya Hayashi, Miki Takahara

  • We compared the outcomes of patients undergoing VANS versus open lobectomy.

  • No significant differences were observed in adverse events between two groups.

  • Our VANS technique could be a good option in thyroid lobectomy.

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The modified asymmetric chondro-perichondrial island graft in type I tympanoplasty: A retrospective analysis of 784 patients
Fetih Furkan Şahin, İsa Kaya, Hakan Ceylan, Tayfun Kirazlı

  • Asymmetric graft design accommodates malleus angulation and membrane obliquity.

  • Asymmetric design avoids posterior canal contact, suits neutral configuration.

  • Larger anterior portion promotes optimal contact with tympanic membrane remnant.

  • Asymmetric graft design improves success rate, contributes to better hearing gain.

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Impact of the somatosensory influence on annoyance and quality of life of individuals with tinnitus: A cross-sectional study
Wildna Sharon Martins da Costa, Lucas Barbosa de Araújo, Henrique de Paula Bedaque, Lidiane Maria de Brito Macedo Ferreira, Karyna Myrelly Oliveira Bezerra de Figueiredo Ribeiro

  • Individuals with somatosensory tinnitus experience higher annoyance.

  • Stress and sleep disturbances are factors associated with the somatosensory tinnitus.

  • The somatosensory influence causes a greater impact of tinnitus on quality of life.

  • The somatosensory system must be considered when evaluating and managing tinnitus.

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A modified vertical pressure bandage to prevent pharyngocutaneous fistula after total laryngectomy
Xuwei Duan, Jian Xu, Xueqin Liu, Duoping Wang, Biaoyou Chen

  • Modified VPB lowers PCF post-TLE for H&N cancers.

  • Modified VPB: lower PCF, shorter hospital stay.

  • Multivariable analysis confirms modified VPB independently protects against PCF.

  • Modified VPB is potential to be an alternative process.

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Genetic and audiological determinants of hearing loss in high-risk neonates
Yanan Shi, Naiyao Zhang, Na Du, Tongxi Zheng, Ying Yu, Youjin Li

  • Preterm birth, NHB and AMA are potential risk factors of hearing impairment.

  • Mutations such as c.235delC in GJB2 and c.919-2A>G in SLC26A4 are the most common.

  • Deafness gene screening for neonates is important for diagnosis and intervention.

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LAMB1 promotes proliferation and metastasis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma and shapes the immune-suppressive tumor microenvironment
Enzi Feng, Xinyu Yang, Jie Yang, Qianqian Qu, Xiaojiang Li

  • NPC exhibits significantly elevated expression of LAMB1.

  • LAMB1 plays immune-suppressive role in NPC.

  • LAMB1 promotes NPC cells proliferation, invasion and migration.

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Otomycosis risk after non-suppurative middle ear surgery
Fatih Gul, Ozgenur Kocak, Ali Ozturk, Mehmet Ali Babademez

  • Tympanomeatal flap advancement increases otomycosis risk by creating epithelial gaps.

  • Adhered cerumen removal damages the epithelial barrier, raising otomycosis risk.

  • Otomycosis does not impact tympanoplasty graft success.

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Comprehensive analysis of clinicopathologic and prognostic features in locally advanced thyroid papillary cancer
Liang Jiwang, Ye Dongman, Fang Fengqin, Zhao Yuejiao

  • There are no studies about the models for predicting recurrence in LAPTC.

  • We established a nomogram for predicting 3- and 5-year RFS of LAPTC patients.

  • The number of LAPTC patients is relatively larger than other study.

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Effect of dupilumab on otitis media associated with eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis
Seiichiro Kamimura, Keisuke Ishitani, Ryota Morozumi, Eiji Kondo, Takahiro Azuma, Go Sato, Yoshiaki Kitamura

  • Dupilumab improved EOM severity and CT scores in patients with concomitant ECRS.

  • Air-conductive hearing in EOM patients improved significantly with dupilumab.

  • Dupilumab reduced steroid use in EOM patients, suggesting long-term benefits.

  • EOM treatment has shifted significantly with dupilumab use for concomitant ECRS.

  • Dupilumab is highly effective in treating EOM, improving clinical outcomes.

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CircRNA-miRNA-mRNA regulatory network in high-altitude hypobaric hypoxia-induced hearing impairment and hearing acclimatization
Danzeng Awang, Kanzi Danzeng, Tianheng Wang, Quzong Deji, Mengting Huang, Hailong Ren, Xinzhu Liu, Binghan Zhao, Lanzi Gongga

  • Hearing impairment- and acclimatization-related circRNAs and genes were identified.

  • Hearing impairment and hearing acclimatization ceRNA networks were constructed.

  • Hearing impairment ceRNA networks regulated anterograde trans-synaptic signaling.

  • Hearing impairment ceRNAs regulated the negative response to growth factor stimuli.

  • Hearing acclimatization ceRNA networks regulated embryonic organ development.

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The clinical characteristics and surgical strategy in infants with lingual thyroglossal duct cyst
Fenghua Qin, Yihua Ni, Wenxia Chen

  • A total of 50 babies with LTDCs underwent cyst resection.

  • 10 patients underwent simultaneous cystectomy and supraglottoplasty.

  • 3 cysts underwent supraglottoplasty due to extubation failure after cystectomy.

  • Rigorous post-operative laryngoscopy can identify hidden laryngeal malformations.

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Review articles
Impact of smoking and alcohol drinking on the prognosis of 721 nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Ling Tian, Min Zhao, Qing Yang, Xiaojiang Li, Yun Chen, Wu Xifang, Yan-Xin Ren

  • Heavy alcohol drinking is an independent prognosis factor for NPC in Yunnan Province.

  • NPC patients who smoke and drink alcohol at the same time had a poorer prognosis.

  • NPC patients should be advised to quit smoking and alcohol for better prognosis.

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Experts' discussion: implications of the World Health Organization's World report on hearing for the cochlear implant field
Wolf-Dieter Baumgartner, Javier Gavilán, Abdelhamid Benghalem, Suela Sallavaci, Gunesh Rajan, Ranjith Rajeswaran, Mario Zernotti, Shelly Chadha

  • Hearing loss is on the rise.

  • Low- and middle-income countries face more challenges.

  • Key challenges are access disparities and lack of reimbursement policies.

  • Hearing care should be integrated into the national primary healthcare.

  • Organizations like HEARRING can promote education and awareness.

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Case reports
Recovery of misattributed congenital anosmia after platelet-rich plasma injections: Report of two cases
Jérôme R. Lechien, Luigi A. Vaira, Bianca M. Georgescu, Antonino Maniaci, Stéphane Hans, Sven Saussez
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Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology (English Edition)
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Articles submitted as of May 1, 2022, which are accepted for publication will be subject to a fee (Article Publishing Charge, APC) payment by the author or research funder to cover the costs associated with publication. By submitting the manuscript to this journal, the authors agree to these terms. All manuscripts must be submitted in English.. Os artigos submetidos a partir de 1º de maio de 2022, que forem aceitos para publicação estarão sujeitos a uma taxa (Article Publishing Charge, APC) a ser paga pelo autor para cobrir os custos associados à publicação. Ao submeterem o manuscrito a esta revista, os autores concordam com esses termos. Todos os manuscritos devem ser submetidos em inglês.